Group 5 – Section 1
God as Our Adequacy and Strength — and No Fear
…Heart, the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not in what I know or don’t know. I turn away from faith in me because the presence of God and His wisdom in and close to me is my adequacy.
…not from how well I can figure things out for myself. I turn my ears to listen to the Holy Spirit—inside and close to me. (pause to feel confident and reassured because of these truths intentionally!)
…not in how much I deserve respect. My praise is toward God; He is worthy of all respect—not me. I love enjoying the confidence from having You here, Lord. The kingdom of Heaven is all around me here.
…not from my physical strength or how well I protect myself. I turn and trust that my eyes are on You, Lord. I love that I don’t have to be afraid because when I enter and stand before the Lord, the kingdom of God is all around me here, and my God is the commander of the armies of Heaven.
…not in having people think I am righteous. I turn from wanting to treasure pride because of respect toward me. (let yourself feel confident and significant because the closeness of God’s power and glory is far greater than what you have on your own!)
…not in my having people who want to listen to my answers. God is their teacher and mine.
…not in my being right and their being wrong. The closeness of God’s righteousness is my adequacy. I draw near to God, and He draws near to me!
…not in how well I answer questions. I turn from wanting to love human wisdom. I love that God will never leave me or forsake me. I also praise Him, whom I should believe is coming with His kingdom around me here (Matt. 6:10, 33; Heb. 12:22-24, 28). (let yourself feel confident and secure because of the greatness of God’s power and glory close to me here!)
…not from how well I know the Bible. I love God’s word and turn away from pride toward me because of what I know. I set my heart to enjoy the adequacy I need that comes to me from believing the adequacy of God and that He and His angels are here with me.
…not from how well I think things through. I praise Your wisdom and knowledge, Lord. I turn, and I love You. (let yourself feel adequate and reassured by applying these truths!)
…not from how well I prevent all risk of my being wrong. I love that God’s wisdom is far safer than mine.
Group 5 – All Sections
… (Your name) , listen to what I am are saying, and let yourself believe and love the truth!
…I turn my soul away from accepting pressure to be the adequate one myself. My need for adequacy is my motivation to depend on You, God. I turn away from trying to achieve being enough apart from God. Lord, Your nearness is my adequacy. Your adequacy with me is my “I AM.”
…I set my heart on loving that I can receive from the radiance of God like a sponge. I CAN draw near to God, and my need is so great that the more I love and enjoy being secure and strong in God’s presence, the more it helps motivate me to keep the “drinking straw” of my inner being pointed toward the closeness of Lord and His kingdom 24 hours-a-day. (pause to let your heart hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)
…Heart hear this: that even when I do wrong, God’s word to me is, “…Do not fear. You have committed all this evil, yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart” (1 Sam. 12:20).
IT IS WRITTEN, “Do not fear…rejoice and be glad, for the Lord has done great things.” (Joel 2:21); Heart hear this: “…You shall not fear man, for the judgment is God’s…” (Deut. 1:17); God says to me, “…the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” (John 6:37); I turn from faith in myself because I “…have boldness and confident access through faith in Him” (Eph. 3:12).
…The adequacy I need comes best from having the kingdom of Heaven upon and around me here. I set my heart to trust that I can enter and stand before the Lord by God’s grace and cleansing because of what Jesus earned for me. Heart, trust that Heaven is coming down around me, that I am living life before the Lord, and that angels are all around me here.
“…O Lord God, You are my confidence…” (Psa. 71:5); “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid…” (Psa. 56:11); I will not give up or give in because my “…adequacy is from God.” (2 Cor. 3:5); God’s word to me is: “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deut. 31:6); IT IS WRITTEN, “…Be strong and courageous, and act…” (1 Chron. 28:20). (pause to hear and believe it)
“O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary…God…gives strength and power to the people. Blessed be God!” (Psa. 68:35); I will not hold back! Entering and staying before God is my birthright as a Christian! Heart, hear this: “…the Lord your God has placed the land before you; go up, take possession, as the Lord, the God of your fathers, has spoken to you. Do not fear or be dismayed” (Deut. 1:21). (pause to hear it)
… (Your name), rejoice that the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from how much status I have. Rather than daydream about me, I turn to God. I love that the glory of God is far greater than mine! I humble myself into a strong faith that lets the closeness of His adequacy reassure me. (let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
…not from how well I perform. God is the standard — not me. I love how well You perform, Lord.
…not because of how much influence I have. I turn to find the adequacy I need from the greatness of having the Holy Spirit draw near and being close. I drink from You, God. (pause to enjoy and love God!)
…not through how well I do in sports. I trust, and I receive Your adequacy and strength, Lord. God is my adequacy.
…not from my physical strength. My adequacy is from the closeness of God’s power and glory. And right now, I am letting myself enjoy feeling reassured because of the closeness of Your adequacy all around me, Lord.
…not from the car I ride in or the clothes I wear. God wants to be God to me here. I can draw near God by trusting without reservation that He is drawing near me. Right now, I trust that His kingdom is coming, and I am presenting my body before the Lord here. The kingdom of Heaven is all around me. Angels are here. And, the God who is right here before me now, He is the commander of the armies of Heaven. God and His cleansing greatness close to me are my adequacy.
…not from the (earthly possession) that I have. The closeness of God is my adequacy. Right now, I am letting myself feel adequate because God is with me here. (pause to believe, and love it as the truth!)
…not from how clean my house or how my yard looks. I praise You, Lord, that the perfection of Your beauty is close to me here. Heart, my adequacy is from God (2 Cor. 3:5). The nearness of God is my strength (2 Cor. 4:6-7). (pause to love these truths!)
…not from what I buy or from how expensive it is. I praise the royal majesty and adequacy of the God who is close.
…not from the people with me. By presenting my body as a kingdom priest before the only all-adequate God, My adequacy is from Him. I praise You, God, that Your adequacy is so great and that You are before me here.
…not from how well I can get others excited and impress them. Controlling others in that way is not my adequacy. My adequacy is from enjoying with faith the greatness of God’s presence and the significance of having the kingdom of Heaven close to me and all around me here.
… (Your name) , let yourself believe and embrace the truth!
…Heart, hear and believe this! “…the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…’” (Isa. 30:15). (pause to hear and believe it)
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him” (Psa. 28:7). (pause to hear and believe it)
“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” (Psa. 18:1). (pause to believe and love the God who is close!)
“…the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…’” (Isa. 30:15).
“…Do not fear or be dismayed because…the battle is not yours but God’s” (2 Chron. 20:15).
“Do not fear them, for the Lord your God is the one fighting for you” (Deut. 3:21).
“…O Lord God, You are my confidence…” (Psa. 71:5).
…Heart, hear this and don’t hold back: “…Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you…” (1 Chron. 28:20); “…O my God, in You I trust…” (Psa. 25:1,2).
…It is thrilling to turn from earthly sources and toward God. My adequacy is to stand before the Lord of hosts and praise His presence close to me. I will not hold back. My eyes are on You, Lord.
“O God, You are awesome from Your sanctuary…God…gives strength and power to the people.
“Blessed be God!” (Psa. 68:35). God has promised with an “…everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants…” (Gen. 17:7; and also Gal. 3:29). “Be strong and let your heart take courage…hope in the Lord” (Psa. 31:24). “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (1 Cor. 16:13). “…Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” (Eph. 6:10). (pause to let yourself feel confident because of God!)
“Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.” (Isa. 12:2). (pause to believe and love the God!)
…Heart, “…confidence…is ours through Christ before God…our competence comes from God” (2 Cor. 3:4,5 NIV).
“I love You, O Lord, my strength.” (Psa. 18:1). (pause to be thankful and love the God who is close!)
“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart exults, and with my song I shall thank Him” (Psa. 28:7).
…Heart, my God is greater than the little gods this world has to offer. God says to me, “…You shall not fear other gods, nor bow down yourselves to them nor serve them nor sacrifice to them” (2 Kings 17:35) “…do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled.” (1 Pet. 3:14). (pause to hear and love these truths!)
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from the results I get or from how hard I work. I turn from that and rest into identifying with God’s adequacy upon and around me as what identifies me.
…not from how well I justify myself. God is the one who justifies — not me. My eyes and my ears are on You. (let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
…not from how well I achieve being a perfect ____________ . It is the closeness of my perfect God that reassures me. (pause to let yourself feel confident because of God!)
…not from how tough I am apart from God. The strength of God is adequate, and I entrust myself to the adequacy of God’s presence drawing near to me here. (pause to think of God in this way!)
…not from pride in my human ability to fight. The Lord is the God who fights on my behalf. My confidence is in God.
…not from the things I get done on my list. God is the standard. I receive God’s perfect, strong, and cleansing presence as the reason for my feeling adequate. Thank You, God, because of Your desire to draw near and be God to me here, I don’t have to fall back into sin for the reassurance and feeling of power that I need!
…not from how well I stay in control. The strength that reassures me is the closeness of God. I set my affections on Him.
…not from what I haven’t done. I turn from wanting religious pride. My praise goes to the adequacy and purity of God. (let yourself feel confident because of the greatness of God’s power and glory with you!)
…not from how well I discipline myself. The sovereign control of God is what reassures me. I submit to You, Lord. It is Heaven that rules, and You are the commander of the armies of Heaven.
…not from how well I plan and organize. I turn from having to depend on myself. I trust the Holy Spirit to speak to me. (pause to let yourself feel confident because of the truth!)
…not from what I provide. I humble myself into being reassured by the closeness of God’s adequacy to provide for me. (pause to let yourself feel confident because of these truths!)
…not from how well I set standards and achieve goals. I love the closeness of God, who is adequate to do what He wants.
…not dependent on my getting more _____________ . I humble myself into trusting the closeness of the adequacy of God.
… (Your name), let yourself believe and embrace the truth!
…heart, let yourself love that you don’t have to be afraid about not having enough discipline to keep drinking from God – use your neediness as motivation! (Your name) , I love that I can receive from the radiance of God like a sponge. My need is so great that the more I love and enjoy being secure and strong in God’s presence, the more it helps motivate me to keep the “drinking straw” of my inner being pointed toward God and not toward idolatry or sin!
…Heart, “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid…” (Psa. 56:11); “…confidence…is ours through Christ before God…competence comes from God” (2 Cor. 3:4,5 NIV).
…I turn my heart to love God and not self-protection or earthly things! Heart, say to Lord, “You are my God…I exalt you.” (Psa. 118:28 NIV). (Whether you feel God’s presence at this time or not, pause to believe, open up to the radiance around Him, and praise God with gratitude for His nearness!)
…Heart, hear the word of the Lord! “…the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…’“ (Isa. 30:15). (pause to feel reassured by it!)
“Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war arise against me, in spite of this I shall be confident.
One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to meditate in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock. And now my head will be lifted up above my enemies around me, and I will offer in His tent sacrifices with shouts of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.” (Psa. 27:3-6). (pause to entrust your well-being to the tabernacle of Heaven coming around you here!)
…I will trust God and not be afraid because “…it is Heaven that rules.” (Dan. 4:26); “…O Lord God, You are my confidence…” (Psa. 71:5).
…Heart, “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid…” (Psa. 56:11); “I love You, O Lord, my strength.” (Psa. 18:1); “Behold, God is my helper; The Lord is the sustainer of my soul.” (Psa. 54:4).
Heart, Jesus lived a sinless life and died as punishment for my sin, on my behalf. In our time, “…the gospel of God, so that…the Gentiles may become acceptable…” (Rom. 15:16). Before Jesus, “…a burnt offering…he shall offer it…that he may be accepted before the Lord.” (Lev. 1:3); “…Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God…” (Eph. 5:2); “…by grace you have been saved through faith…it is the gift of God…” (Eph 2:8,9); “‘…Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,’ and he was called the friend of God” (James 2:23); “…Christ also accepted us to the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7). (pause to feel reassured and confident because of these truths!)
…Now, after salvation, I need the Holy Spirit with me as the armor of Light (Rom. 13:12-14), because abiding in that armor helps me with holiness ( . So, I am directing my heart to believe the Holy Spirit is coming to me because “…we…receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” (Gal 3:14).
…Heart, just like Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit onto me for cleansing and salvation (Titus 3:5-6), it is right for me to trust He is sending His Spirit to help me with holiness after salvation. When I believe that Jesus is sending the Holy Spirit onto me here, my childlike faith that the Holy Spirit is coming causes Him to feel pleasure; “And without faith it is impossible to please Him for he…must believe that…He is a rewarder of those who seek Him” (Heb. 11:6)!
…When I draw near to God with gratitude that He is drawing near to me here (James 4:8; Heb. 12:22-24, 28), He cleanses me inside and outside (Heb. 10:19-22) as the mountain of God comes down with Heaven around me, and God becomes my strong refuge here (Isa.57:13).
…By faith, I am trusting that my eyes are looking at Your power and glory, Lord: “…You are my God…My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You…Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory…My soul is satisfied…” (Psa. 63:1-2, 5).
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from doing enough to deserve acceptance. I trust the power of the blood of Christ for salvation, forgiveness, and the acceptance of God — I submit into joyful faith that I have God’s full acceptance.
…not from how tough I am apart from God. I turn to You, Lord! In quietness and in resting in God is my strength. Right now, I am letting myself feel strengthened by confidently trusting that I have drawn near to the Lord and that the kingdom of God is all around me here. The strength of God is girding me all around (Ps. 18:32).
…not from the counsel I give to important people. I turn my heart to love the counsel that freely comes from the Holy Spirit in me and the Holy Spirit being radiated onto me from the fountain of God.
…not from people who want to talk to me. God is my boast. My adequacy is God. I turn to You, Lord.
…not from the compliments I get. Heart hear this! My “…praise is not from men, but from God.” (Rom. 2:29). (Think about the significance of these truths and let yourself be made joyfully confident and be reassured!)
…not from how well I anticipate what might happen next. It is God who knows the future. I turn my ear to You, Lord. (pause to think of God’s power and glory close to you as significant enough to let your faith increase about it!)
… (Your name) , the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from my having conquered people. It is God’s power that is the adequacy and strength that I love — not my own.
…not from my finding friends who will share my dreams. God is my adequacy. I feed on Him and not my daydreams. (let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
…not from how well I fit in. The courage I need comes from God. Lord, I turn away from sin and let Your closeness refresh me (Acts 3:19).
…not from the appreciation I get from other people. By salvation, I have the acceptance of God—by my faith, I have His approval (Heb. 12:1) and pleasure (Heb. 11:6)! I turn to God! It is the acceptance of God that thrills me. I love that when I seek Him, God feels pleasure when my faith believes He is rewarding me with His presence (Heb. 11:6). (pause to let yourself feel confident because of these truths!)
…not from the approval or disapproval of my parents. God approves of me, and the presence of God near me is my identity because He is “The God who girds me with strength…” (Ps. 18:32). Heart, when God girds me He surrounds me with His strong presence.
…not from relationships with people. God is my adequacy. It is the greatness of His presence with me that thrills me. (let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
…not from how well I related to them. I turn from pride because of that. My adequacy is the closeness of God.
…not from how hard I push myself to do something that avoids disapproval. My protection is the closeness of God. I set my heart to trust that by the sinless life and death of Christ on my behalf, Jesus earned salvation for me. He also earned the right to freely send the Helper (John 14:26; John 16:7) who is the “Spirit of glory” (1 Peter 4:14), that pours out from all around Him because of His glorification (John 7:39).
… (Your name), let yourself believe and embrace the truth!
… (Your name), I love that I can receive from the radiance of God like a sponge. I CAN draw near to God, and my need is so great that the more I love and enjoy being secure and strong in God’s presence, the more it helps motivate me to keep the “drinking straw” of my inner being pointed toward the closeness of Lord and His kingdom 24 hours-a-day.
“…O Lord God, You are my confidence…” (Psa. 71:5); I “…will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea” (Psa. 46:2); “I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!’“ (Psa. 91:2). (pause to believe and love the God who is close!)
…Heart hear this: “…Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God’s” (2 Chron. 20:15); “…You shall not fear man, for the judgment is God’s…” (Deut. 1:17); “The Lord is for me; I will not fear; what can man do to me” (Psa. 118:6)? “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them” (2 Kings 6:16). (pause to hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)
…Heart, “In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and his children will have refuge” (Prov. 14:26); “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid…” (Psa. 56:11); I will not give up or give in because “…confidence…is ours through Christ before God” (2 Cor. 3:4 NIV). (pause to think of the nearness of God as your reason for confidence!)
…God’s word to me is: “…do not be afraid…for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you…” (Deut. 31:6). “…Be strong and courageous, and act…” (1 Chron. 28:20). (pause to believe, and love God!)
…Heart, hear and believe this! “I will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!’ For it is He who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His pinions, and under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day…a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you” (Psa. 91:2-5,7).
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from how well I fix other people’s problems. Jesus is the Messiah, not me! I put my trust in Jesus for salvation and for His being my Savior in practical ways. (Think of being made confident because of God’s great power and glory around you by His radiance!)
…not from how well I achieve “spiritual goals.” The adequacy I love is the closeness of my God. I feed on You, Lord. (let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s power and glory!)
…not from the dreams I have for the future. I turn from exalting me, and I open up to feed on the one God who is holy and perfect. I set my heart to praise You as my God, not myself.
…not from how well I protect myself by worry about the future. Thank You, God, for your good plans for my future!
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are…
…not from any sense of perfection I might achieve on my own apart from God. I turn away from having to find evidence I have earned praise for my human perfection. I turn away from wanting that and turn my heart to love, exalting You, God.
…not from people who desire me. The measure of my adequacy is God. The closeness of God surrounding me is my significance and strength (Ps. 18:32). I set my heart to glory only in Christ and put no confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:3). Heart, the only holy God, is the commander of the armies of Heaven. He is my friend, and it is Heaven that rules.
…not from how much money I earn. I turn my soul to receiving and possessing the closeness of the Lord as my God, not money. (let your confidence and reassurance come from the closeness of God and not other things!)
…not from how tough I am apart from God. God is my strength. And when I draw near to God by trusting Him to draw near and wash me clean (James 4:8; Heb. 10:19-22), the commander of the armies of Heaven comes close to me here. It is right for me to believe with gratitude that the kingdom of Heaven and angels are around me here (Heb. 12:22-24, 28).
…not from people who are impressed with my spirituality. I turn from adequacy that is from me. The Lord is my God.
…not from my being able to cause pleasure in others. I am making it my greater intention to love that my playfully childlike faith makes God feel pleasure (Mark 10:15; Matt. 19:14; Heb. 11:1-2, 6). (Be intentional to enjoy the closeness of God more than people and earthly things!)
…not from how well I keep others impressed with me. God’s glory is greater. The closeness of God is what refreshes me (Acts 3:19). (let yourself feel confident and reassured because of these truths!)
…not from how well I get others to believe the truth. I turn away from praising myself for how well they accept my word. My fruit is from God and He is the teacher I honor. Even though I have received Christ into me and Jesus promised He would never leave me, I also want Him with me all around so I can abide in Him! So, I set my heart on continuing to receive the kingdom of Heaven around me by faith and trust that Jesus is here teaching them.
… (Your name), let yourself believe and embrace the truth!
…It is thrilling to turn from earthly sources and toward God. I cut off and turn away from fear about my human inadequacies. My adequacy is to stand before the Lord of hosts and praise His presence close to me. Lord, I love that You draw near to me without holding back. Thank you that my purpose in life doesn’t have to be one of finding reasons to praise myself. I praise YOU, God.
…Heart, only God is adequate. I love that I can depend on God as my God by trusting Him to touch my humanity with His adequacy, holiness, and perfection here. Thank You God for the radiance around You that lets me drink from You! “…If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink…But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:37-39).
…Heart, “…the true circumcision…worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh” (Phil. 3:3).
…I will not look at myself and lose hope in God’s promises because of pride. Heart, “…confidence… is ours through Christ before God” (2 Cor. 3:4 NIV). (pause to be thankful and love the God who is close!)
…Heart, “…adequacy is from God.” (2 Cor. 3:5). It is not to my inadequacies that I cling, “…My soul clings to You…” (Psa. 63:8); Heart hear this: “He is your praise…” (Deut. 10:21); “I love You, O Lord, my strength.” (Psa. 18:1).
…I rest in God because “…In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength…’“ (Isa. 30:15). (Think of the greatness of the radiance around God. Because God wants to be God to you instead of other things, it is right for you to trust that His radiance is on you here!)
…I turn my soul from having to be adequate apart from God. Lord, I turn and face toward You. You are God—not me. You are Lord over all the armies of Heaven. It is Heaven that rules! And so heart hear this: My adequacy is from God. (pause to enjoy confidence because of these truths!)
… (Your name), let yourself believe and embrace the truth!
…God says to me, “…Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!” (Isa. 43:1).
…I rest confidently in God because God says to me, “…My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!” (Hag. 2:5). (let yourself feel confident and reassured because of these things!)
…Heart, hear and turn to God, “…do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled.” (1 Pet. 3:14).
“…Do not fear or be dismayed…for the battle is not yours but God’s” (2 Chron. 20:15).
…Heart, listen, and believe God’s Word to me! “…God said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (2 Cor 6:16); So, “Be strong and let your heart take courage…hope in the Lord” (Psa. 31:24); “…Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” (Eph. 6:10); “…Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Jos. 1:9). “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” (1 Cor. 16:13). (pause to let yourself feel confident from the closeness of God’s great power and glory!)
Heart, by my seeking the kingdom (Matt. 6:33) and trusting God is rewarding my seeking (Heb. 11:6), I can enter before the Lord, by receiving Heaven here like a child (Mark 10:15; Heb. 10:19-22; Heb. 12:22-24, 28), By this, I can take possession of God’s holy mountain and make the sanctuary of Heaven my refuge (Isa. 57:13; Ps. 36:7-9; Matt. 19:14; Ps. 27:1-6). By this, God is better able to do His will on earth as it is in Heaven (Matt. 6:33); and by my involvement, “There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace…To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness…The zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this” (Isa. 9:7).
“The Lord performs righteous deeds and judgments for all who are oppressed” (Psa 103:6).
“…righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne” (Psa. 97:2).
“…a river of the water of life…coming from the throne of God…” (Rev. 22:1).
“But let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” (Amo. 5:24).
“You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38). Thank You God that by turning away from idolatry so I can stand before You with thanksgiving and praise I can have that anointing also!
…By faith, I am trusting that my eyes are looking at Your power and glory, Lord: “…You are my God…My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You…Thus I have seen You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory…My soul is satisfied…” (Psa. 63:1,2,5).
… (Your name), I delight that I don’t have to agree with demonic lies to find confidence and adequacy, apart from God. Lord, I bind the power, influence, and effectiveness of the demonic, witchcraft, and high and lofty thoughts that would push me toward boasting about something apart from You. I denounce these things, and I loose the mountain of God and the kingdom of Heaven with angels so that the works of the devil can be crushed, burned, and destroyed. I turn my heart to love, boasting in and praising the nearness of my God. Thank You, God, that I can punish the realm of evil for trying to hurt me by my loving You and receiving Your holy presence and kingdom here! (pause to let yourself enjoy the significance of your ability to fight evil like this!)
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are because of faith that Heaven is coming so I can stand before the Lord as a kingdom priest in the throne room here…
…Heart, God is my confidence because He says to me, “…we…receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.” (Gal 3:14). Thank You, God, that I can open up to You with the faith of a child and receive the kingdom of Heaven like a gift at Christmas time!
…Thank You, God, that I enter by receiving the kingdom here with faith because “…whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all” (Mark 10:15).
Heart, “…he who comes to God must believe…that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Heb. 11:6); “…it is by faith, in order that it may be in accordance with grace, so that the promise will be guaranteed to all…” (Rom. 4:16).
…Thank You God that when I enter by faith, the Holy place comes to me and my heart and body get washed: “…have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus…draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water” (Heb. 10:19, 22).
… Heart, “Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart…” (Ps. 24:3-4). Thank You, God, that I can ascend the hill of the Lord by trusting You to come and wash me here (James 4:8)!
…Thank You, God, that You dwell in Heaven and with us here because, “…thus says the high and exalted One / Who lives forever, whose name is Holy, / ‘I dwell on a high and holy place, / And also with the contrite and lowly of spirit / In order to revive the spirit of the lowly / And to revive the heart of the contrite” (Isa. 57:15).
…Thank You God that You tell us, “…God said, “I will dwell in them and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people” (2Cor 6:16). Thank You, God, that I can depend on You as my God, and I don’t have to depend on myself!
…Heart, from God’s perspective, we come to Him. From our perspective, He comes to us. Even though God tells us to come to Him, He also tells us to enter by receiving His kingdom (Mark 10:15) with gratitude: “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels… and to God, the Judge of all…and to Jesus… Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe” (Heb. 12:22-24, 28).
…Thank You, God, that because Your Word says it, I can trust these scriptures are true for me!
…Heart, “…it will come about that in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains …and all the nations will stream to it… Come, house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the Lord” (Isa 2:2-3, 5).
… (Your name), the adequacy and strength I NEED are because of faith that Heaven is coming so I can stand before the Lord as a kingdom priest in the throne room here…
…Thank You, God, “You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God; and they will reign upon the earth” (Rev. 5:10). So I am a priest, and I am commanded, and able, to stand before the Lord here because the Bible says, “…do not be negligent now, for the Lord has chosen you to stand before Him, to minister to Him, and to be His ministers…” (2 Chron. 29:11).
…Thank You, God, that You have made me “…a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
…Heart, be confident about standing here before the Lord because “…the Lord said to Moses, ‘…Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb…’” (Exo. 17:5,6). And also because, “Elijah said, ‘As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand…” (1 Kings 18:15). And “Elisha said, ‘As the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look at you nor see you.” (2 Kings 3:14). And, “…the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that through me the proclamation might be fully accomplished…” (2 Tim 4:17).
…Thank You God that when I trust by faith that I am entering the throne room to present my body to You, Your heavenly kingdom comes; “…have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus…draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean and our bodies washed with pure water” (Heb. 10:19, 22). By my childlike faith that I am entering before You by receiving Heaven here (Mark 1:15; Matt. 19:14), Heaven comes, and You wash me clean and make my body acceptable, “…present your bodies… acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship” (Rom 12:1).
…Thank You, God, that I can accept myself because You cleanse my heart and body when I trust Heaven is coming down and I am standing before You, here!
…Thank You, God, that when I turn my heart away from receiving glory and power by earthly means, I can stand before You like Elijah and Elisha and say with confidence that Your Spirit is abiding around me because God says, “As for the promise which I made you when you came out of Egypt, My Spirit is abiding in your midst; do not fear!” (Hag. 2:5). (pause to be love God!)
…Thank You, God, that by trusting You to come with Heaven around me I can say with the Psalmist that, “I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoices; my flesh also will dwell securely.” (Psa. 16:8,9); “I have become a marvel to many, For You are my strong refuge” (Psa. 71:7).
…So heart, with Heaven here, I can trust God and don’t have to fear people because He says, “Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, a people in whose heart is My law; do not fear the reproach of man, nor be dismayed at their revilings.” (Isa. 51:7).
Barry Hall’s first book,
Receiving God’s Kingdom by Joyful Repentance, will help you to recognize the practical evidence of how we try to fill our need for God’s presence and kingdom with what we get from worldly substitutions, other
people, sinful behaviors, and ourselves. It explains that in doing this, we receive pride that we put on like a coat around us for identity. Without realizing it, we put faith in our pride and try to abide inside it for
protection, strength, and worth instead of receiving God’s kingdom and presence as needed. This book also explains repentance as a joyous process that changes our minds one step after another as we listen to ourselves,
making bold and joyous declarations of repentance and faith.