Group 2 – Section 5
Changing Misbeliefs About God
One of the most common unsafe reactions to pain is that we hold back from God because of fear. The solution requires that we plow up the hard ground of our heart by giving ourselves reasons why it is far safer to hear and believe the truth about God than to keep on believing lies. Note: If this section is especially painful, you may find doing this page with a friend helpful. Others find it is better to do Heart Training in other sections, and then return to this later.
… (Your name), listen to what you are saying. Let yourself believe, love, and be thankful for the truth! Heart hear this: God is good. It is evil that is evil! God is your friend! (pause and think of Him that way!)
Heart, rejoice in the truth that I can be confident that I don’t have to stay away when I am hurting because God comforts His people.
“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psa. 34:18). (pause to open up to God and let yourself receive His nearness!)
…Heart, rejoice that I am free to be fully confident about the Lord because IT IS WRITTEN that “…God…comforts the depressed…” (2 Cor. 7:6). (pause to hear, believe, and love the God who is close!)
…I am confident about God because He is “…the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3). (pause to hear, believe, and love the truth!)
…I am confident that I don’t have to keep God away when l feel oppressed and want to hide.
…Heart, rejoice that I can be completely confident that God is very good to me because “The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble” (Psa. 9:9 NIV).
…Heart, rejoice that God cares for me: “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man” (Psa. 118:8). (pause to hear, believe, and love the truth! And reread it if you need to!)
…Heart, rejoice that it is right and good for me to completely rest in my trust toward God because He is “…the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” (2 Cor. 1:3). (pause to believe and love the truth!)
…I grab my soul and turn it to You, Lord, because You are so very good. God’s heart is to be kind to me!
…Lord right now, I am telling my heart it is right and safe to trust that Your radiant presence is all around me. And, instead of believing the devil’s lies about You, I am trusting that You are being very good and kind toward me. Thank You, God, that Your holiness is here, burning away the demons pushing fear and doubt onto me! I entrust myself and the atmosphere around me to your holy and strong presence God! (pause to believe and love it)
Group 2 – All Sections
… (Your name), listen to what you are saying. Let yourself believe, love, and be thankful for the truth!
…My God, is entirely unlike other people who have hurt me. And, my God is NOT the evil that tries to hurt me.
Heart, my God is NOT ( something from the diagram) (pause to believe and love the truth!)
Cynical; holding back for fear of being wrong
Hiding from hope; Avoiding problems and just wanting them to go away; Holding back because of fear about the risk; Afraid of being wrong; Fixing problems by thinking more; Avoiding a decision; anti-social; Ignoring people and not wanting to talk about it: Afraid of not knowing enough: Wrong; A dishonest and unconcerned judge…
Fearing Any Potential Risk
Dominator: afraid of not accomplishing goals
Afraid of losing control; Unapproachable; Too busy to talk; Selfish; Fighting to gain control at any cost; Misusing authority and power; Justifying self and condemning more; Inflexible and unreasonable; Holding back from giving; Motivating by fear and intimidation; fixing it by demanding more; Abusive; Hardening himself to the concerns of people…
Fearing Loss of Control
Fearing Disapproval from Others
Afraid of being inadequate for the task; Helplessly asking, “Why try;” giving more than able; Afraid of not being enough; Blaming and punishing self; Being weak; Working harder to deserve approval; Avoiding confrontation; Concerned about not measuring up; Searching for sympathy; Holding grudges; Trying to be small; Protecting self by bitterness; Withdrawing…
Fearing Disapproval from Others
Fearing Loss of Impressiveness or Influence
Afraid of losing influence; Insecure when people are unimpressed; Getting angry and blaming others; Lying and exaggerating the truth; Punishing people by withdrawing from relationship; Being sarcastic; Verbally attacking and embarrassing people; Sabotaging and manipulating relationships between people for revenge; Overly impressed with Himself…
Fearing Loss of Impressiveness or Influence
…Lord, right now, I trust that Heaven is coming down upon and around me, and by this, I am presenting before You the demons pushing lies and fear onto me. I trust that Heaven is coming with angels who are powerful and who are fighting against them. Thank You, God, that when Heaven comes Your peace comes and crushes them (Rom. 16:20)!
Lord, I trust that Your radiant presence is all around me and that the truth about You is that Your holiness is cleansing me and the atmosphere around me. Heart, God is always good and compassionate toward me. Heart, let yourself believe the truth that God is NOT a God who abandons or betrays His people. And, even though evil might lie to me, God will NOT abandon or betray me… (pause to believe and love it)
… (Your name), even though I may not understand it yet, I love that I CAN receive from the radiance of God like a sponge. I CAN draw near to God, and my need is so great that the more I love and enjoy being secure and strong in God’s presence, the more of Him I can receive. And heart, the more I trust the glory of God with me as what makes me special, the more it helps motivate me to keep the “drinking straw” of my inner being, pointed toward the closeness of the Lord and His Kingdom 24 hours a day. (pause to feel reassured and to love the God who is right up close and all around you!)
Barry Hall’s first book,
Receiving God’s Kingdom by Joyful Repentance, will help you to recognize the practical evidence of how we try to fill our need for God’s presence and kingdom with what we get from worldly substitutions, other
people, sinful behaviors, and ourselves. It explains that in doing this, we receive pride that we put on like a coat around us for identity. Without realizing it, we put faith in our pride and try to abide inside it for
protection, strength, and worth instead of receiving God’s kingdom and presence as needed. This book also explains repentance as a joyous process that changes our minds one step after another as we listen to ourselves,
making bold and joyous declarations of repentance and faith.